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Preserving the Oceans

The beautiful ecosystems present in the ocean have gained much recognition for its beauty, extensive coverage of the Earth, and phenomenal residents. The diversity and complexity of the ecosystem comprises more than half of the world's fascinating plant and animal species which beneficially influence the sustainability of the region. However, the relationship between society and the environment has negatively altered the stability within the oceans due to plastic usage.

Sea Turtle

 For the past twenty years, the ocean’s sustainability has been unbalanced due to the various industrial and agricultural developments which have negatively influenced the supportability upon certain aspects. Over eighty-percent of the plastic in the ocean results from land-based products through jeopardizing occurrences, including direct contamination into the ocean, powerful winds transferring plastic rubbish into the sea, industrial leakage, and incorrect disposal. Although one may not reside near the sea, there is a significant probability that one's accumulated plastic garbage has been placed in the ocean through the natural occurrences of wind, rain, drainage networks, or rivers that ultimately flow into the sea. Due to the increasing accumulation of plastic products in the ocean, a floating plastic smog was able to be formulated by miniscule forms of plastic in the ocean which were initially derived from larger forms of plastic. Over an extensive period of time, the sun's ultraviolet light, the ocean wave momentum, and salt influence the deterioration of the plastic into miniscule forms known as microplastics. Microplastics particles that vary in size, resulting in the consumption and ingestion. by all organisms in the seafood chain, including whales, plankton, and sea birds. Further increasing the negative issue, the chemicals from industry and agriculture aspects drastically contribute towards the formation of the microplastics, resulting in them to be considered toxic poison objects. Because of the inability of the microplastics to be diminished, they proliferate, signifying that the quantity of the microplastics increases as time progresses. Due to the progressive increase, individuals are able to calculate the considerable probability that individuals ingest the plastic by consuming marine organisms that have ingested the microplastics or plastic products.  Scientists are able to estimate that approximately 5,000,000,000,000 plastic forms are in the oceans worldwide, emphasizing the excessive quantity of microplastics throughout the extensive ocean due factors, including incorrect disposal and littering. Due to the constant increase of the plastic products in the ocean through the negative contributions of society towards the beautiful environment, the stability of the ocean, lives of marine organisms and individuals are jeopardized because consumption of plastic waste in the ocean. If the implementations of the negative factors continue, the well-being of the ocean is at great risk, as the animals in are slowly intoxicated by the harmful effects of plastic ingestion, the stability of the ocean is disrupted, and the individuals well-being is affected due to the intake of marine organisms.


Craig Leeson . (2017). A Plastic Ocean.

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